“Utopia” is the name of the show created exclusively for AIDAstella. The show will celebrate its premiere on the maiden voyage of the 10th AIDA cruise ship from March 17 - 28 March, 2013. In a search for another world, the singers, dancers and acrobats of the AIDA show ensemble transport the audience on a journey through distant, unknown galaxies. Futuristically designed costumes and stirring melodies make “Utopia” unique. The magical show was penned by German musical and film music composer, Martin Lingnau.
Thirteen stage shows will celebrate their premiere on AIDAstella. The dance spectacle “Mondän”, produced exclusively for AIDAstella, whisks AIDA guests away into the Parisian nightlife of the 1920s and 30s. The musical show “Rock Me Baby”, with the cult hits from Ike and Tina Turner, will transform the Theatrium on AIDAstella into a rock palace. “Can You Feel It” (Jackson 5), five new dramatic shows and four new Pool Deck shows are a guarantee for top-class entertainment.
Entertainment from another star! On board AIDAstella and her sister ships, entertainment means much, much more than the evening firework display with a combination of music, dance, acrobatics and variety in the theatre or Theatrium. Spectacular laser shows, the 4D movie theatre “Cinemare” and numerous workshop programs ensure further amazing experiences on board.
The focal point of the varied entertainment program on the AIDA cruise ships are the current 65 different shows featuring dance, singing, acrobatics and lavish costumes. It takes around 18 months from the initial idea to the premiere. The spectacular shows are developed and produced by AIDA Entertainment in Hamburg. In its search for the best show talent available, AIDA organizes castings throughout Europe and works together with the Circus School in Kiev in selecting the artistes.
Further information and a video of the rehearsals of the new show “Utopia” for AIDAstella can be viewed on the Internet at www.aida.de/aidastella. Bookings can be made with your local travel agent, online at www.aida.de or by calling the AIDA Customer Center at +49-(0)-381/202 707 07.
Rostock, February 14, 2013
AIDAstella: “Utopia” – entertainment from another star!
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