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AIDA Cruises receives renowned Green Cruising Award 2018 for “Green-Cruising” Project

Rostock, 28. September 2018

In the context of the 32rd two-day long Stuttgart Controlling and Management Forum, the Green-Controlling-Award 2018 was granted by the Péter-Horváth foundation on September 19, 2018. This year’s awardee is AIDA Cruises with its “Green Cruising” Project. Senior Vice President & CFO AIDA Cruises and CIO Costa Group Dr. Ali Arnaout accepted the price. He convincingly illustrated the innovative approaches of AIDA Cruises to present the “Green Cruising” strategy as a fundamental part of AIDA’s corporate planning and controlling.“Ecology and economy are no contradiction for AIDA Cruises.”, said Arnaout. “Due to the long-standing strategic importance of sustainability ‘Green Controlling’ is an integrative component of corporate planning and controlling at AIDA Cruises. Anchoring the goals of Green-Cruising at all stages of planning within reason of the strategic and economic corporate planning and continuously picturing the ecologic and economic goals in the operational regulation is innovative.”The Green Controlling Award is donated by the Péter-Horváth Foundation. To encourage controlling to work with the “green challenge”, every year, in cooperation with the International Controlling Association (ICV), the most innovative and effective “green” resolution for design and control of ecologic strategies, programs, projects and procedures in corporations and public institutions are awarded.Previous awardees are i.e. the Deutsche Post DHL, Deutsche Telekom AG, PORSCHE AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, Hansgrohe SE and STABILO International GmbH.Rostock, September 28, 2018

04. June 2015

AIDA Home awarded DGNB Seal of Approval for Sustainable Construction

The new office complex “AIDA Home” of the cruise line AIDA Cruises in Rostock, Germany, is the first office building in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to be certified with the Silver Seal of Approval for Sustainable Construction by the DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council). ... [more]

03. June 2015
AIDAprima - erste Container auf dem Weg nach Japan

AIDAprima – First containers on their way to Japan

The new cruise ship AIDAprima is currently getting the basic equipment for its operation. The first containers departed the Hamburg port for Nagasaki on the freighter “Antwerpen Express” on June 3, 2015. The 31 containers are carrying equipment for the hotel and technical areas. ... [more]

03. June 2015
Pressegespräch zur Vorstellung des Festspielprogramms 2015 bei AIDA Cruises, langjähriger Hauptsponsor des Klassikfestivals.

AIDA Cruises presents the Prize-Winner’s Concert with Daniel Müller-Schott for the Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

AIDA Cruises has supported the festival in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since 2002 and ranks among the longest-standing sponsors of one of the largest classical festivals in Germany.“Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is the home of AIDA. That is why we care about the cultural ... [more]

30. May 2015

World premiere: AIDAsol supplied for the first time with low-emission electricity from LNG

On May 30, 2015, AIDA Cruises and Becker Marine Systems celebrated a world premiere in the Port of Hamburg. Upon successful completion of the final technical tests, AIDAsol was provided during its lay time in Hamburg’s HafenCity for the first time with low-emission electricity ... [more]



Hansjörg Kunze
Vice President Communication & Sustainability
