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Press statement on Ashdod (Israel)

Rostock, 11. July 2014

For the rest of the season (up to October 2014), the cruise line AIDA Cruises has decided to discontinue stops at any ports in Israel. “We have taken immediate action and decided to not stop at any Israel ports in this season,” says Hansjörg Kunze, Vice President Communication & Sustainability AIDA Cruises. “The well being and safety of our guests has absolute priority.” Starting now, the ship will stop at the Greek island of Santorini in place of Ashdod.
All guests of AIDA Cruises who have booked one of the cruises in question will be informed immediately.

During the scheduled departure of AIDAdiva from the port of Ashdod on the evening of July 7, 2014, at 8:28 p.m., explosions occurred in Ashdod that were observed from the cruise ship AIDAdiva. All 2,700 guests and crew members of AIDAdiva are doing well. No one was injured and there was no damage to the ship. The guests on board AIDAdiva were immediately informed by the ship’s officers. The situation on board was calm. However, small particles that may have come from defense missiles according to first expert assessments were found on the open deck. They did not constitute a danger and were immediately secured by the ship’s officers.
AIDAdiva commenced its cruise without interruption.

“We regret that the guests of AIDAdiva became witnesses of this incident. We assure our guests that safety of guests and crew has the utmost priority for AIDA Cruises. The current security situation will be continuously observed,” said Hansjörg Kunze, Vice President Communication & Sustainability AIDA Cruises. Until noon 8 July, no travel warning had been issued for Ashdod by the Federal Foreign Office.

Rostock, July 11, 2014, last update 10 a.m.

28. September 2018

Show premiere on board AIDAluna

It‘s not just the ship and its destinations that make up a cruise with AIDA, but also the award-winning entertainment program on board.

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28. September 2018

AIDA Cruises receives renowned Green Cruising Award 2018 for “Green-Cruising” Project

In the context of the 32rd two-day long Stuttgart Controlling and Management Forum, the Green-Controlling-Award 2018 was granted by the Péter-Horváth foundation on September 19, 2018. This year’s awardee is AIDA Cruises with its “Green Cruising” Project. Senior Vice President ... [more]

11. September 2018

Groundbreaking partnership for environmentally friendly cruise tourism in Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania

On September 11, 2018, around 280 executives of AIDA Cruises welcomed the prime minister of Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig at the AIDA Management Days in Rostock. The occasion was marked by the signing of a Declaration of Intend between AIDA Cruises, the state ... [more]

31. August 2018

AIDAnova named!

AIDAnova named! 25,000 Celebrate in Papenburg at the AIDA Open Air with Star DJ / Producer David Guetta

Cruise company AIDA Cruises has named its latest ship AIDAnova on Friday evening. The spectacular naming ceremony took place at the completely sold-out AIDA Open Air at the ... [more]



Hansjörg Kunze
Vice President Communication & Sustainability
