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Mariella Ahrens is enjoying her vacation on AIDAdiva

Rostock, 07. February 2014

On January 31, 2014, actress Mariella Ahrens checked in on board AIDAdiva. On her well-deserved vacation, the cruise took her to the Persian Gulf with United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Bahrain.

Known from diverse popular German TV- and film productions, the actress spent time with her children and took a break from her strenuous job. In addition to enjoying fitness, the board program, and shore excursions, she spontaneously took time to give young guests on AIDAdiva tips for future acting careers. In the well-attended Theatrium, the 44-year-old passionately demonstrated her dedication to young actors: She exchanged tips and experience, and motivated others to follow their dreams and goals. After all, talent, passion and dedication are what make a successful acting career.

28. September 2018

Show premiere on board AIDAluna

It‘s not just the ship and its destinations that make up a cruise with AIDA, but also the award-winning entertainment program on board.

The new show „Augenblick“ (engl. „Moment“) celebrated its premiere on board AIDAluna. The show is a new music and artistry program in which ... [more]

28. September 2018

AIDA Cruises receives renowned Green Cruising Award 2018 for “Green-Cruising” Project

In the context of the 32rd two-day long Stuttgart Controlling and Management Forum, the Green-Controlling-Award 2018 was granted by the Péter-Horváth foundation on September 19, 2018. This year’s awardee is AIDA Cruises with its “Green Cruising” Project. Senior Vice President ... [more]

11. September 2018

Groundbreaking partnership for environmentally friendly cruise tourism in Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania

On September 11, 2018, around 280 executives of AIDA Cruises welcomed the prime minister of Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig at the AIDA Management Days in Rostock. The occasion was marked by the signing of a Declaration of Intend between AIDA Cruises, the state ... [more]

31. August 2018

AIDAnova named!

AIDAnova named! 25,000 Celebrate in Papenburg at the AIDA Open Air with Star DJ / Producer David Guetta

Cruise company AIDA Cruises has named its latest ship AIDAnova on Friday evening. The spectacular naming ceremony took place at the completely sold-out AIDA Open Air at the ... [more]



Hansjörg Kunze
Vice President Communication & Sustainability
