We also use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and its internationally recognized guidelines as a framework reference for our sustainability reports. “Sustainability professionals” can even use the GRI index as an alternative contents page. All economic, ecological and social conditions and facts relevant to us have been collated on the basis of the GRI guidelines. In the annual sustainability report, "AIDA cares", we document how we fulfill our responsibilities, and the extent to which we have achieved the relevant goals. We also detail the future challenges we will face. This sustainability report contains all relevant information from the 2011 fiscal year. All parts of the AIDA Cruises company are included. In the event that only part of the company is referred to, this is made clear.
The Carnival group as a whole defined and introduced comparable indicators in 2009. This makes it easier to compare the reports and allows us to summarize key indicators at group level. These are recorded centrally in the areas of controlling, energy & environment and the personnel department.