Whether it concerns travel to the ship, restaurants, or the on-board entertainment program, we want to continually improve both our performance and that of our partners, and adjust our offers to perfectly match our guests’ wishes. Which is why we completely revamped our guest questionnaire in 2011. The questionnaire is now available in electronic format, rather than as a hard copy. At the end of their trip, our guests receive an email with a link to the questionnaire. This offers numerous advantages. For one, the electronic questionnaires are very well received – with a response rate of around 50%.
Furthermore, we receive the results much faster, generally within the three days following the guests’ arrival home. And finally, the environment also benefits. With the launch of the digital questionnaire, we are saving up to 2.8 tons of paper per year. However, we have done more than simply change how the questionnaire is delivered. We have also redesigned the questions to make them more specific. In addition to providing ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=very satisfied; 5=not satisfied at all), customers can also add detailed comments about individual services where they recognize room for improvement or, indeed, a particularly good performance. This allows our guests to sketch out a clearer picture of their vacation – and we can use this to develop our product in a more target-oriented way.