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28. September 2018

Show premiere on board AIDAluna

It‘s not just the ship and its destinations that make up a cruise with AIDA, but also the award-winning entertainment program on board.

The new show „Augenblick“ (engl. „Moment“) celebrated its premiere on board AIDAluna. The show is a new music and artistry program in which ... [more]

28. September 2018

AIDA Cruises receives renowned Green Cruising Award 2018 for “Green-Cruising” Project

In the context of the 32rd two-day long Stuttgart Controlling and Management Forum, the Green-Controlling-Award 2018 was granted by the Péter-Horváth foundation on September 19, 2018. This year’s awardee is AIDA Cruises with its “Green Cruising” Project. Senior Vice President ... [more]

11. September 2018

Groundbreaking partnership for environmentally friendly cruise tourism in Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania

On September 11, 2018, around 280 executives of AIDA Cruises welcomed the prime minister of Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig at the AIDA Management Days in Rostock. The occasion was marked by the signing of a Declaration of Intend between AIDA Cruises, the state ... [more]

31. August 2018

AIDAnova named!

AIDAnova named! 25,000 Celebrate in Papenburg at the AIDA Open Air with Star DJ / Producer David Guetta

Cruise company AIDA Cruises has named its latest ship AIDAnova on Friday evening. The spectacular naming ceremony took place at the completely sold-out AIDA Open Air at the ... [more]