SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. (Children’s Villages) and AIDA Cruises are celebrating their 10-year partnership in 2015. AIDA Cruises has donated a total of about 820,000 Euros to different projects by SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. in Germany, Africa and the Philippines from 2004 to 2014. These funds are proceeds from the traditional new year’s raffle, which AIDA Cruises organizes on its fleet each year. The fleet owner partly added to this funding. The proceeds of the new year’s raffle for 2014/2015 in the amount of 100,000 Euros were donated to the SOS Youth Center and SOS Social Center in Iloilo, Philippines. These centers make it possible for local children and adolescents to get a school education and training.
AIDA Cruises also supported the SOS Children’s Villages in the Philippines in 2014, since they were especially dependent on aid after the severe Haiyan typhoon.
You can find out more about the aid project in Iloilo in the Philippines supported by AIDA Cruises in this video by SOS Kinderdorf e.V.
Sports are an integral part of our AIDA activity centers on board as well as on shore. In our AIDA Sports Crew, we therefore support our sports teams in the disciplines of rowing, cycling, football, golf, hockey and marathon.
AIDA Cruises sponsored new track and field athletes in the throw/strike division of the SC Neubrandenburg under the management of coach Gerald Bergmann with a donation of about 15,000 Euros in 2014. The Sports Club Neubrandenburg is one of the oldest and most respected sports clubs in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. AIDA Cruises is also supporting the application of the city of Hamburg to become the venue for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024 by sponsoring the initiative “Fire and Flame for Hamburg.”
As an international company with employees from 40 countries, AIDA Cruises stands for tolerance and diversity. In 2014 we supported the democracy initiative “WIR. Erfolg braucht Vielfalt” (“WE. Success needs diversity”) by the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which is directed against right-wing extremism.
AIDA Cruises also participates in cultural sponsorships: Since 2002, for example, we are the main sponsor of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Festival, one of the largest classical music events in Germany.
We are also highly committed to our headquarters in Rostock and have been a partner for various social and cultural events and institutions in the region for many years. We support organizations such as the German Seafarers' Mission as well as the University of Rostock, the Rostock University of Music and Theatre, the local School Music Weeks, and the Rostock Zoo.
Please see our current list of donations for an overview of all the institutions we supported in 2014. Most of the partnerships were established many years ago.