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Safety has top priority at AIDA

Safety is top priority at AIDA. The entire crew takes responsibility for our guests and are trained according to HESS standards (Hess = Health, Environment, Safety, and Security). Safety drills with our guests are standard and are conducted at port before the ship even sets sail.


Technical ship safety

Of the 10 ships tested in the Mediterranean by the 2012 ADAC cruise test, the ships of the AIDA fleet, AIDAbella and AIDAdiva, were the only ones that received a top rating of "excellent". ADAC confirmed the our ships have cutting-edge technology, and safety, rescue, and fire-protection equipment, diligent security checks for passengers and luggage when boarding the ship, a professional and helpful crew with a heightened sense of responsibility and safety awareness, and routinely conducted evacuation drills. The excellent test results motivate us to be relentless in our diligence and responsibility.

Organizational safety

Standardized Safety

GRI Index

GRI Index

Our sustainability report is based on the regulations of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

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Click here for answers to the most frequently asked questions on sustainability at AIDA

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