All AIDA employees are familiarized with the code of business conducts and ethics. All employees have to renew their certificates every two years. AIDA employees can take the training at any time and in any place, whether on board or on land, as part of a modern E-learning training program. The training content includes such topics as the behavior and ethics codex, anti-corruption, antitrust, insider trading and how to deal with employee complaints. Nearly 100 percent of our employees successfully completed this training in 2014.
As a multinational company with employees from 40 nations, diversity is a natural part of our working lives – and a tremendous enrichment. We have therefore also signed the "Charta der Vielfalt" (Diversity Charter) initiative. By endorsing this initiative, we expressly commit to respecting all employees – regardless of gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, worldview or age. Furthermore, we respect the cultural characteristics of our colleagues from other countries and consider their needs.
In accordance with our AIDA Values, we embody a working atmosphere of mutual respect regardless of age, origin and hierarchy. We have joined the “Fair Company” initiative from karriere.de, because fairness in respect to interns, trainees and college graduates is a matter of course to us. We have held the “Fair Company” seal of quality since 2010.
If employees observe unequal treatment, they can contact their supervisors, the employee representation committee, or anther trusted person. In addition, the position of an HR manager has been held within our Ship’s Council on all ships since 2007. The HR manager supports the existing personnel work on board and also advises on issues related to labor law. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics clearly regulates how we deal with discrimination: In such cases, the specialist departments and the HR department are notified immediately. We thoroughly investigate reported cases and may apply labor law sanctions within the framework of our zero tolerance policy. No cases of discrimination were reported by the CFO in 2014.
In November 2012, AIDA signed the World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO) Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. By doing so, we made significant progress on our way to achieving responsible and sustainable tourism. As a signatory of the codex, AIDA Cruises regularly accounts to UNWTO regarding the compliance with and further development of its measures to promote sustainable tourism.