At AIDA Cruises, we take on responsibility for people and the environment. For us, sustainability is a journey in comprehensive quality: We are constantly developing and improving. We continually review and optimize our behavior based on consideration of our own standards, new legal requirements and technological progress. The basis for this constant self-evaluation is formed by internal corporate exchange and dialog with our partners. Our aim is to be a technological pioneer, foster diversity, work fair and introduce closed-loop recycling for all products.
We set short, middle and long-term goals for the implementation of our sustainability strategy. We use key indicators to measure and evaluate these targets. We keep our long-term goals in sight; at the same time, by its very nature our program is always in movement as we react to new challenges and developments. Dialog between our Director for Environment and Community, Dr. Monika Griefahn, her team and the individual specialist departments in the company is correspondingly intense.
Our sustainability program is managed centrally and implemented in a decentralized way. It is anchored at all levels of the company and implemented by each department. Our integrated management system supports optimization to help us achieve our goals.
We have compiled an overview of all targets and strategies, as well as of the current status of our sustainability activities.