Transparence is paramount in responsible corporate management. That is why we foster open, respectful relations – within the company and with our business partners and guests, as well with different interest groups.
To ensure that contacting us is quick and easy, we have set up various channels of communication, across which we can be reached directly. As a company, we also reap clear benefits from this dialog. It creates a lively exchange of ideas on issues that are of interest not only to us, but also to our employees, guests and other partners. This opens up our horizons and creates opportunities for new developments and solutions. It is of central importance to us that each interchange takes place in a transparent and fair way. At the end of the day, all participants must be willing to learn from one another and share their knowledge. In this way, everyone can benefit. One example of this is our participation in research projects for the development of new technologies in the cruise industry. As well as this, we collaborate with our partners to evaluate how we can further expand sustainable development in our destination countries. In addition, we are in regular contact with representatives from German, European and international politics, allowing us to play a role in shaping the framework conditions for a sustainable cruise industry.
Of course, there are always conflicts of interest. We come across this in our discussions time and time again. We see this as a positive challenge for constructive dialogue, and concentrate on the development of common solutions.